After 12 years, for the 3rd time, I visited Karachi (mini-Pakistan) for 3 days. This time travelling was light through air, I felt that I just travelled from one village to another, but the big difference was the temperature. I was waring winter stuff in Islamabad while in Karachi I felt that it is summer, fan was on, and the temperature was in between 24 to 27 °C 🥵 while in Islamabad it was in between 10 to 17 °C. When I boarded the plane from Islamabad Airport, I had strange vibrations of sensations running inside me. I was dying to see the mini-Pakistan and the sea. Some apprehensions were there at the back of mind regarding the law-and-order situation there and the stories appearing in the papers. I had heard so much about Karachi culture that I was getting almost dizzy in anticipation. I was honoured to have a city like this in my country. “Kharachi, Kharachi, Kharachi I am coming”, .....this was what I was humming. As the plane was hovering above Karachi airport to land, I was...
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