
Showing posts from 2017

Students' Union : a way not a destination

Once Upon a time there was a Students Union # Students_Union_today_tomorrow_And_Yesterday It’s been 35 years completed on students' union ban in Pakistan. Today if you ask a 25-year-old student about students ‘union, he will get astonished and will stare you in the face because he has never saw such a thing in his whole life. He did not know about, that there were elections to held regularly in every college and university, every year, in which students had to elect their representative, and in this way a council was formed, which had its secretory and president and other designations, and this wasn’t just a council but it was like a small government of students which has to work with the establishment of the institution i.e. Head, teachers and other staff to organize co-curricular activities for students like Poetic symposium (Mushaira مشاعرہ‎), debates, discussion forums, Bait Bazi (Urdu: بیΨͺ بازی), Qirat , Naath and sport competition. Book Fairs etc., Moreover, disti...

The Vote, and Democracy

What kind of democracy , where literate and illiterate have the same ballot to cost ? !! Are both kind of persons sustain the same level and position ?  Has both keep the same understanding level to national interest ?  Has both the votes hold the same weight  ?  If the answer is yes then there is a big flaw in this concept of democracy ?


Pashtun culture is rich and diverse, with many traditions and customs that vary across different regions and communities. Some common Pashtun cultural practices include the code of Pashtunwali, which emphasizes concepts such as honor, hospitality, and revenge, and the celebration of festivals such as Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Adha, and Jirga. Ashar is one of the  rite in which one representative from each house in each village takes part. Ashar is organised for villagers' personal tasks that are difficult to complete individually as well as collective tasks. This tradition is unique in that these tasks are completed voluntarily and without compensation. Ashar includes the following tasks often as grass harvesting, building a new house or demolishing an old one, filling the roof of an under-construction house, and cutting woods for food if there is a wedding ceremony in the village. The number of people participating in Ashar is not fixed; rather, it is determined by the nature of th...

What ever ,but democracy , not the dictatorship

The solution to all national; and international problems mostly can be best solved via democratic tools and procedures ,which is long lasting while those solutions by army are temporary and disastrous for a nation. We as a nation failed to grow because we suffers from dictatorship and their lobbies in political sphere. These establishment lobbies are always busy to blackmail politician and get benefited in response.  Current we see that there is a big cold war going on between Army lobbies and civil government with in the country.  so, lets see who win this time.

The Afghan War & its Stack-holder

It is widely assumed that when Russia attacked Afghanistan in the 1980s. The Afghan government at the time did not oppose the attack, despite the fact that the general public (common civilians) who had ideological differences with Russia and communism came forward and began defence to protect their land from communist invasion. Later, when Pakistan and the United States recognised that this force (the Afghan Mujahiddin) was fighting Russia's aggression with very limited resources, they began to provide resources to them. However, because they were already at odds, the United States played a critical role in defeating Russia in Afghanistan. After the victory, the Afghan fighter leaders wanted to establish a peaceful government, but the US was not interested in the peace process and began a political intervention to disperse the Afghan leaders, which they accomplished with the assistance of the CIA. However, at the time, Pakistan went against the secret agenda of the United...

The Reflection of Industrialization on Our Society

Urbanization , industrialization , development of corporate sector and the decline of basic human and cultural values. Today my father friend's mother departed in Islamabad (Capital of Pakistan ). I went for condolence and found that after the funeral prayers , very few people went to grave yard. When burial done, proportionally few people returned to the deceased home. It was a short function of departure while in village things are totally different, here every person who come to know about a death of some one , they will postpone all other daily routine functions and will rush to participate in death ceremony. As they believe that it is the last service that one can do for some one in this world.  The condolence continue for three days and at least one person from each home in the village is bound to meet the deceased family and share the grief with them. In this way they think that the grief caused by losing of human being  can be minimized . In additi...

How a looter can take care of a convoy ?

Really upset by seeing that a highly corrupt person have been officially joining Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf ( a political Party ).  It's a big question on # PTI credibility ❕ .  # MustafaKar is a person , about whom many people think , the " king of Moral and financial corruption " S o, Keeping this in mind.....................  How one can bless him with such a new political boost , from a platform, who itself vows for justice , seems a clear injustice with Pakistani Nation.  I wish that the #PTI platform should not be used for the exploitation of sensible individuals. No doubt ,that  People are having confidence in I mran K han but it broke up many times when he welcome such a corrupt politician in his party, because it made people to think,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,   how a looter can take care of a convoy ?

Media & Election Campaign 2018

Mind is influenced by media , # information   technology and other dynamics. These effects are deliberate, far reaching and they need to be clearly understood after which only then can they be dealt with. In The Context Of Political Parties It is going to be necessary for a political parties, here in Pakistan to put himself in media's desired framework, which is Glamorous culture in political gathering. I_Think ,,,,,, It's bad because there should be difference b/w Concert and Political activity. Political gathering should only be used for educating people about politics and underline subject. What Will Happen ? If you adopt the media  driven policy ,what  anchor and  big bosses want .Then it will lead media to show you on screen with a very less effort, other wise you will need a big investment, to show case your political struggles. Election Is Near and obviously this is a season for media to collect more and more money from political...

🌈 One desire two countries

In 80’s it was #Russia ,having a desire to reach the warm water in Baluchistan (Gwadar), #Pakistan , to extend their business by occupying the best transportation root in the region. But the plan was very poor, ....... to attack on Afghanistan,........ then occupy some part of Pakistan. As a result both Afghanistan and Pakistan fought back with them and dismissed the Russian Plan with the help of some other countries. .....and Now its #China , wanted to reach the same warm water but they come up with a perfect plan. They extended friendship with Pakistan and established a long term relationship in every sphere , from education to politics and business to energy and soon they will utilize the Gwadar warm water to conquer the world economy by constructing the world best sea port 🚒 and a network of roads across Asia ............. which is know as #CPEC (Pakistan China Economic Corridor ) I can conclude ,that war is not solution but love is a perfect solution....

Reflection of the Triumph’s anti-Muslim Sentiments

Recently Triumph regime have putted a ban upon the citizens of seven Muslim majority countries that is Iran , Iraq , Libya, Somalia , Sudan, Yemen and Syria. As for as concerned about the restrictions being putted upon their citizens to enter USA. I would like to have few words about it.    If you revise the history of American’s Govt aggression in the past century, you will realize that it is the nature of the USA agencies (CIA) that first they target a country and start a cold war inside, then destroy its various political, economical, social and educational institutions by various means and when this process complete then they go either to use their human resources for their specific agenda (i.e. new world order) and sells weapon in the civil war or loot their resources i.e. oil and minerals.   Fortunately there we saw some countries with a good luck that rises up again (like Pakistan, Iran and Vietnam) but some or still bearing odd times under aggress...

Be a Pakistani from the heartπŸ’š

Is Pakistani a person who is born in Pakistan? This is the basic question. The answer of which can define who is Pakistani.   From childhood till now, all the things that we have been hearing and reading about Pakistan can be summed up, that it’s not derived from the name of some tribe or a nation nor it is associated with some geographical location. But in fact, the word Pakistan lexically means “The land of Pure” but literally it is an ideology which prompted the creation of a country which is known as Pakistan. Ideology is a set of aim and ideas that direct one’s goal expectation and actions. This ideology is based on some Islamic concepts but here one thing to be mentioned that Islam is not just taken as a religion but it is taken in a very broad meaning as a complete system of life. It comprises the aspects of life, from personal to public and it implies to the collective life of a nation as guideline and its comprehension ends on humanity. This was the very ba...

✅ Best Learning Practices

Though I was not a brilliant student at all throughout my academic life, but was a normal one. However, I have figured out two things in my late years that how to empower my learning process and I want to share that with you. In fact, if you want to learn any new subject. You need to take care of the following things.   πŸ”΅ 1 ) Select the best Book   For each subject, you will find lot of books with beautiful covers and titles but believe me every book is not fit for every one because each person has different taste of reading. So, to choose a best book, you need first to consult with your seniors but make it sure that the suggestions is based on sincerity and the level of his / her comprehension is good. It should also be kept in mind that every person has a different mindset toward learning and this deference should be taken under consideration. Once you find a particular book then follow it with a full heart until to cover all the topics you need to learn. ...

πŸ“šThe Book Beside his Pillow

The last weekend I visited one of my fast friend named Samiullah Khan . Although he is a tech guy but somehow, he love to read literature books , to nourish his mind with rich thoughts and make his life more beautiful and energetic. I saw two book next to his Pillow. One was “ Rich Dad Poor Dad ” and the other was “ Big Magic ” … in a free time in his room, while he was away. I went through some of the pages and found that the recent changes of strict financial calculation about daily expenditures are the result of the concepts presented in “Rich Dad Poor Dad”…. I think the book had taught him the lesson that how important the money is, as rich dad explain to his baby in a long conversation …. I hope I’m not wrong while commenting ….( Rock on Sami ) The 2nd book was a “Big Magic “I also turned some of the pages. I’m really inspired at first glance and did a commitment to read it, as writing was so amazing and appealing … at one point I thought that I should lend ...

I really want to hear from you ..❗

M any people in my friend-list who are using Facebook very frequently. They enjoying reading posts, love to see other’s people pictures and videos , in the mean while they probably will react to these interesting things either publicly or veiledly. But you know, I have observed one thing since I’m using social media, that many of my friends feel uncomfortable while posting something, and believe me, earlier I was also not different. But later on, when I started Twitter. I learnt how to express yourself with your little thoughts especially with trends along hash tags and now I’m so comfortable to tweet like a bird :) . I believe , in my friend circle , I have a lot of jewels but even they barley know about their self. They even don't care to be recognized and I think that ignorance is because of the fear they have inside. May be they haven't found inspiration that can bring the courage, but one thing is for sure said by Christopher Hitchens ,that silence w...

❤️ Love , Lust πŸ’‹ and πŸ’ Valentine..!

Love is the most precious gift given to and taken from someone in this universe and it is the basic feeling that give you strength, hope, confidence and a reason to live. Although love and lust should be understand as a separate things . Lust should not be interpreted as love…… and it is important to know about. Because, in capitalism, which govern the world, there every opportunity is taken is way of earing money with out taking care of its consequence . That’s why they have turned every festival into an opportunity to collect money. To the collections of these festivals ,now Valentin day is another addition of pop culture with merchandise mind set. This is a big achievement of the capitalists to exploit peoples. Now a days #Valentine is the 2nd most popular festival after Christmas in the west and somehow in other parts of the world. Lust and sex is the main item that capitalist is selling behind the hype of valentine but they don’t care how they are destroying the ol...