๐The Book Beside his Pillow
The last weekend I visited one of my fast friend named Samiullah Khan. Although he is a tech guy but somehow, he love to read literature books , to nourish his mind with rich thoughts and make his life more beautiful and energetic. I saw two book next to his Pillow. One was “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and the other was “Big Magic” … in a free time in his room, while he was away. I went through some of the pages and found that the recent changes of strict financial calculation about daily expenditures are the result of the concepts presented in “Rich Dad Poor Dad”…. I think the book had taught him the lesson that how important the money is, as rich dad explain to his baby in a long conversation …. I hope I’m not wrong while commenting ….( Rock on Sami )

The 2nd book was a “Big Magic “I also turned some of the pages. I’m really inspired at first glance and did a commitment to read it, as writing was so amazing and appealing … at one point I thought that I should lend (more precisely to steal as I am afraid he won’t, joking Part) this book but later on I changed my mind to let him complete the reading, to enjoy it with a full zeal. However, I’m really missing to have it now …. hope he shall lend me once he complete reading…
What the “Big Magic “ actually about is?
In this book, Elizabeth Gilbert shows how to tackle what we most love, and how to face down what we most fear. She discusses the attitudes, approaches, and habits we need in order to live our most creative lives…
At the end, I would like my friend for introducing me with such a great book.
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